15.00- 19.00 Свободна програма
19.00 Вечеря на блок маса
15.00- 19.00 Свободна програма
19.00 Вечеря на блок маса
9.00 – 9.15 Теодор Замфиров откриване и кратко представяне на решенията с които разполага фирма ЕЛТА 90 в класическата и молекулярна патология
9.15 – 9.55 Проф. Еузеби – Класификации: ерата Бабел никога не свършва
9.55 – 10.30 Проф. Савелина Поповска – Персонализираната медицина- перспективи и предизвикателства.
10.30- 11.00 Първа кафе пауза
11.00 – 11.40 Проф. Еузеби – Карцинома “In Situ” и дуктален тип
11.40 – 12.15 Д-р Алфред Шьолер – Секвенирането от следваща генерация /NGS/ в рутинна клинична употреба за целите на молекулярната патология. Опита на “Институт по Клинична Патология” в Австрия с NGS платформа – MiSeq Dx на Иллумина.
12.15 – 12.30 Въпроси и отговори
12.30 – 14.00 Обяд с обедна почивка
14.00 – 14.40 Крис Сейлън /Archer Dx, USA/ – “Приложение на Анхорд Мултиплексна ПСР технология за туморно секвениране: фузии, течна биопсия и други”
14.40 – 15.00 Забоуч Кокeни /Иллумина Европа/ – Цялостни решения за геномни проучвания от лидера в тази област
15.00 – 15.30 Христос Калокирис /Абботт Европа/ – FISH тестове за HER2 амплификация и ALK преструктурирания. Придружаваща диагностика за таргетна терапия.
15.30 – 16.00 Втора Кафе пауза
16.00 – 17.00 Самер Ахмед / Тhermo Fisher Scientific Dubai / – Цялостните решения на Термо Фишер Сайнтифик за класическа патология и Имунохистохимия
17.00 – 17.20 Викторина проведена от Гранд Дамата на Българската Комедия – Г-жа Татяна Лолова. За позналите отговорите ще има и наградки от ЕЛТА 90.
17.20 – 17.45 Демонстрации в изложбената площ с апаратура предоставена от ЕЛТА 90 за практическо запознаване с характеристиките им.
17.30 – 20.00 Свободно време
20.00 – Гала вечеря
20.30- 21.30 Концерта на любимата певица на няколко поколения – Г-жа Йорданка Христова
22.00- 23.00 Кареоке веселба
ЕЛТА 90 е осигурила симултанен превод от английски на български език за всички участници.
Заявка за транспорт с автобус от и към РИУ Правец, Моля направете на е-мейл: office@elta90.eu
Видео анонс за събитието:
Prof. Dr. Vincenzo Eusebi /Dept. Of Pathology “M. Malpighi” University of Bologna, Italy/
Qualified Medical Doctor at the University of Bologna.
Lecturer in Histopathology at the University of Sassari.
Associate Professor of Pathology at the University of Bologna .
Professor of Pathology at the same University from 1986 to 2013.
Emeritus Professor of the University of Bologna from October 2015.
Director of the Service of Histopathology at Bellaria Hospital, University of Bologna, from 1989 to 2013.
Director of the Department of Oncology at the same Hospital from 1997 to 2005.
Chief of the Residency programme of the Histopathology Postgraduate School of the University of Bologna from 2005 to 2013.
Consultant Pathologist, Dept of Gynecology and Breast Surgery, Catholic University- Policlinico Gemelli, Rome, from November 2014 to April 2015.
Fellow of the Royal College of Pathology (GB).
Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine (GB).
Fellow of the Queensland Cancer Foundation.
Honorary member of the Societies of Pathology (Argentina) and of Senology ( Greece, and Switzerland ).
Member of the American Association of Directors of Anatomic Pathology.
Managing Editor of Virchows Archiv till 2012 (Journal of the European Society of Pathology).
Associate Editor of International Journal of Surgical Pathology.
European Editor of Human Pathology.
Member of the Editorial Boards of AmJSurgPathol; Applied Immunohistochemistry; Pathology Case Review; Seminars Diagnostic Pathology; Pathologica; Turkish Journal of Pathology; Asian Biomedicine.
Member of editorial scientific boards of the WHO books of breast (2003 & 2012) and of endocrine tumours ( 2004 & 2016 ).
Coauthor with F. A. Tavassoli of the AFIP Atlas “Tumors of mammary gland.” 2009.
Prof. Savelina Popovska, MD, PhD, DSc /Department of Pathoanatomy, Medical University of Pleven/
oбразование и квалификация:
Професионален опит:
Членство в научни организации:
Преподавателска дейност:
Theodor Zamfirov M.D. /CEO at ELTA 90/
oбразование и квалификация:
Медицински Университет – София, магистърска степен по Медицина (1995);
Управител на фирма ИЛТА 90 от 1999г.;
Множество продуктови специализации в производствените звена на редица световно известни компании като:
Иллумина Кембридж, Абботт Молекулярна Диагностика, Сименс, Сисмекс, Стаго Диагностика, Фуджиребио Европа, Никон Европа, Панасоник Биомедикъл и мн. Др.
Dr. Alfred Schöller /Institut für Klinische Pathologie, Landesklinikum Mistelbach-Gänserndorf, Austria/
– 1979-1986: studies in life sciences (cell biology, biochemistry)
1983/1984: high voltage electron microscopy (Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, University of Colorado, USA)
– 1986: phD, plant cell biology (University of Vienna)
– 1988 – 1998: postdoctoral work in molecular biology (University of Texas, Department of Botany, Austin, USA; Department of Carcinogenesis, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Smithville, Texas, USA;
Institute of Chemical Toxicology, Wayne State University, Detroit, USA; Institute of Experimental Pathology, Medical University of Vienna, Austria)
– since 2002: Landesklinikum Mistelbach, Institute of Clinical Pathology, Mistelbach, Austria (january 2015: head of the NGS laboratory)
Chris Celone / ARCHERDX, INC USA/
Master of Science (MS). Biology
University of Saint Joseph, West Hartford, CT
Completed all graduate coursework with 3.96 GPA
Cancer Research Associate
Midwestern University, Glendale, AZ
Cultured human cancer cells and tested the activity of these cells against a local Arizona plant extract. Presented this research at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) National Meeting in Seattle, WA
Research Associate (Contract)
EMEA/Canada Field Application Specialist May 2015-PRESENT
FusionPlex (RNA) assays to generate target-enriched libraries for next generation sequencing (NGS) on Illumina
Christos Kalokyris
Commercial and Marketing Manager Emerging Markets East (EME), Abbott Molecular
I have an international commercial and marketing experience as I am working in the Diagnostics field for the last 26 years.
I am working in Abbott Molecular since 2009 and previously I was working in Abbott Diagnostics servicing various roles and responsibilities since 1994.
I have a degree in Biology form Aristotle’s University of Thessaloniki and Diploma in Management from Henley Management College in UK.
Szabolcs Kokeny, PhD. /Illumina inc./
Currently, I am a Senior Product Specialist at Illumina. I work with Distributor partners across Europe, Middle-East and Africa to expand and develop market opportunities for our NGS and Array products.
Prior to this, I was a Medical Scientific Liaison Manager for Takeda Pharma Oncology by having focus on Lymphoma/Leukemia/Myeloma Multiplex and Osteosarcoma. I was a member of the Respiratory and Gastrointestinal Care medical units.
I have been working for Applied Biosystems/Life Technologies as a Business Development and Senior Sales Manager across Emerging Markets territory (Europe, Middle-East, Russia and Africa) managing sales, application support and business development for 8,5 years.
From 1997 till 2009, I was employed by National Institute of Oncology, Department of Molecular Genetics as a Senior Scientist, having clinical diagnostics and research projects on onco-haematology and solid tumors.
Ceylan Tatli /Sales Manager Distribution Europe at Thermo Fisher Scientific/
In Conjunction with Strategic Product Managers, develop business plan identifying key areas of growth potential and strategies to capture both short and long term growth.
* Select, train, and develop sales channels capable of managing positive customer relations and exceeding revenue targets.
* Interact with and maintain relationships with key customers.
* Review and track all legal contracts and implement key metrics for forecast delivery, dealer stock holding, demonstration equipment levels and staff training and complement. Implement annual review process in top Tier countries in Europe.
* Work closely with functional management to gain support and assistance in execution of regional business/market plans; i.e. Marketing, Product Management, Operations.
* Achieve annual sales plan. Establish and maintain an effective discount policy.
* Establish robust monthly, quarterly and long term forecasting processes.
* Take a leadership role in tracking and reporting key economic drivers in the region with appropriate strategies to maximize opportunities and minimize risks.
* Participate as a team member in all assigned corporate and focus account initiatives.
* Accountable for AP’s consistency and accuracy of CRM data.
* Provide commitments of expected bookings and sales revenue on a monthly basis to the AP Leadership and assume ownership of accuracy.
* Control expenses against pre-established budget and submit required reports on a timely basis.
* Continually look to improve the sales processes, people, and sales coverage within the business.
* Employ and embrace PPI as a means to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the AP selling organization.
* Actively participate in and successfully complete required training in Role Model Leader and other required TMO training initiatives.
Applied Biosystems International, Inc.
2007 – 2011 (4 years)